Saturday 28 February 2015

4TH DRAFT w/review

This is the 4th draft of my film trailer and in this draft I have corrected some key issues from my 3rd draft. Firstly I have finally sorted the issue with the voice over! It can now be heard equally from the left and right. I have also re-filmed the news reader scene on green screen sop that now it looks like a proper news report. I edited some of the sound and changed some shot lengths in order to try and make it flow better, however there is still a gap in the middle between sequences which needs to be fixed.

Filming the green screen
I filmed the newsreader scene on green screen to make it more realistic and so I could add a background. However, I did not notice until I had already filmed that the camera hand been set to SD instead of HD, meaning that the resolution of this clip was lower than all of the other clips. Unfortunately my actress was not available to re-film so I just had to do my best with what I had filmed. This did result in a green glow around my actress that I could not get rid of, but I don't think that it is that noticeable, especially as the clip is not that long.
Once I got rid of the green background I added in my own background which I had made in PhotoShop. I decided on a pink background as it is a subtle colour so it does not distract the audience from the character, however it is not as plain as white. I also added a basic news channel logo.
After this I added the moving banner seen at the bottom of the screen.
 I saved the text as an image then used the motion tool to make it move across the bottom of the screen. I went into effect controls and clicked the clock next to the word "position". This then added in some key frames and I simply adjusted the position on the X axis until it travelled at an appropriate speed so that it could be read clearly.

I then finished off the clip by adding an image of a no entry sign, re-enforcing the message of the closed off underpass.

Fixing audio issues
In order to fix my audio problems I came to the conclusion that as my audio was panned to the left, If I opened up a new audio channel and selected "mono" then it would play the audio equally through both the left and right. This is because mono (meaning one) only receives one signal and plays it back in both the left and right side equally. The issue before is that it was in stereo meaning that it was playing different things in the left and right side, and the audio was not playing equally.

In my next draft I will add the rest of my titles at the end of the trailer and fix the gap in the middle by using sound so that the sections of the trailer flow from one to another without any gaps or breaks. I may also add a clip of my main character packing a bag so that it makes more sense that in the second part of the trailer she is running away, making a bridge between the underpass scene and the second half of the trailer.

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