Friday 27 February 2015

Distribution Company Logo

All films are distributed by a company separate from the production company. This company is usually a major company, even if the production company is independent. This is because major distribution companies have the power to distribute their films globally. For my distribution company logo I decided to take inspiration from the major production company "Universal". As seen in my research most horror films have a black background for their titles, and there fore the logo is in white to fit in with a black and white theme. So I have taken inspiration from the Universal logo and created my own black and white company logo. Having these colours will make it easy to invert so that it will stand out from a black background. I decided on the name "World Wide Movies" as this shows that the company is specific to the distribution of films. I decided that it should be world wide as a successful distribution company should be able to show their films globally in order to reach a mass audience. 

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