Friday 27 February 2015

Production Company Logo

Here are some ideas for the logo of the production company of my film. In order to stay with the theme of my trailer my logo should be red with a black background. This will also conform to my genre. After much deliberation I decided on the name "fear fest" (short for festival) for my production company. This is fitting with my genre but also appeals to my younger target audience as festivals are most popular amongst the 18-30 year old demographic. I started my logo by choosing a blood splatter effect on Google images. I decided on a blood splatter as blood and death are the most common themes associated with the horror genre. I had to choose one that was a suitable shape to fit my text on and is a similar resolution to the rest of my video so that it did not show up all pixelated.

After choosing my background image I then had to choose a suitable font. I went on a free font website and browsed fonts under the category name "horror". There were lots of good fonts to choose from but I thought that one with more ragged edges would suit the genre better. The font I eventually chose  is called "Blood Writing" and I chose this as it looks like the font has been written with a harsh paintbrush to give the harsher edges and give the illusion that it is painted in blood.

This is my final logo. I think the font and background image work well together and the writing stands out well whilst fitting in with my house style. I may change it slightly by adding a second larger background image or getting rid of some of the blood splatter which is blurred, giving my logo a more defined edge. There is a colour version to show during the trailer, and a black and white version to use on the end title page. 

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