Thursday 26 March 2015

Film Poster - 5th Draft

Here is the 5th and hopefully final draft of my film poster. Following a survey to my target audience it became apparent that a couple of changes had to be made. Firstly people said that the title was too small, so I have moved some of the small print to make room and now the date  is double it's original size and easier to see.

The other thing that most people mentioned was that the credits were too difficult to read so I changed both the first name and the surname to the same colour. The black font would usually be difficult to read on the grey background which is why I added the red drop shadow to make the text easier to read.

The most common suggestion on how to improve the poster was to work on the hand. I used the cartoon effect to add the black lines to it to make it look like it was covered in dirt, however I think I over used this tool and ended up making it look like a cartoon which it not what I wanted. As I cannot undo this without starting again with the original image (which would take a long time) I experimented with other effects for a quicker solution. I ended up using the water colour tool as this got rid of some of the more dominant colours but still showed up the small details. After experimenting with the levels I think I have found one which has corrected some of the cartoon style of the hand.

I also decided that it would be best to change the colour of the names at the top of the page. Although when I was editing the image the text was clear and you could read it fine, after looking at it on a different screen I noticed that it was not as visible on some more high resolution screens, and so I decided that changing it to a light grey would make it much easier to read on all screens. The light grey also works well with the background and stays within the house style.

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