Wednesday 11 March 2015

Film Poster - Second Draft

This second draft of my film poster shows some noticeable changes from my first draft. Firstly, I took some audience feedback for my first draft, and this highlighted some issues. Firstly it was apparent that the main title didn't stand out enough. My audience told me that the text needed to be brighter, so I made it a brighter colour but it still wasn't standing out very much from the rest of the poster. So I decided to try adding some light behind the title, This bright section on an otherwise dark poster immediately draws the audience's attention to the title. It was also apparent that the background was not dark enough, and so I decided that to make it more simple I would make the background clouds a darker colour and get rid of the trees in the background, as they were only cluttering up the poster. I then added a couple of small silhouetted trees where the original trees were and used the blur tool to make them appear far away. These more simple trees didn't mess with my house-style or take up too much space, drawing attention away from the main image. I also changed the colour or my company logos at the bottom as the research showed that the bright white colours didn't go well with the rest of my poster as no other bright colours were included. I decided to make them the same colour as the title to make them fit more within the poster. 

In my next draft I will add the last  missing pieces such as the titles at the bottom of the poster and the release date, as well as maybe some reviews. 

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