Tuesday 10 March 2015

Magazine Cover - First Draft

This is my first draft for my  magazine cover. As you can see I have started to edit the main image and background so that the colours work together. I started by removing the background from the original image. I then edited the image so that it had smooth edges so it was not obvious where I had removed the background. I then started to work on colour, making the characters eye red and making her red hair a more vibrant shade. I then went on to editing the background where I used the airbrush tool to create the grey texture effect seen on the background. I felt that this added more depth to the image rather than having a plain colour background. I then added my title "REVIEW". I chose the appropriate font style and experimented with colours, but I eventually decided on having the text transparent and the white background as the outline for my title. I thought this made it stand out more than just having the text in white. I then used the bump map tool to make the title seem as though it is printed on to the textured background. This added more depth to the title and makes it look more professional. I then added an issue number and release date below the title, as this is seen on magazine covers or any genre. I put the issue number as 666, as it is a horror edition, and the release as October 2015 as this is the month that my film is released.

I then added a banner at the top saying "The heart stopping horror issue". I took inspiration from the popular film magazine "Total Film" as this magazine often adds a banner at the top describing what is included in the issue, usually to do with the genre of the films featured within.
This cover for total film is advertising the film inception, which is a psychological thriller. I took inspiration from this cover as it uses many of the same colours as my own cover. In my next draft I will add more text at the bottom of my page, similar to this example from total film. I will add text between the words "exclusive" and "vengeance" and add some on the left hand side too.  

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